Saturday, December 31, 2011

49. Read-off Competition

2012 "Read-Off" Competition

This year I am running a competition, a "read-off" that is measured by page count. Each week participants will message me or text me or email me their page count for the week of what they've read and I'll keep a running total on my other blog in a post each week. Pages from books (fiction, nonfiction and textbooks) and articles (magazines and scholarly) can be counted in the page count. If you use an Ereader you can look up page counts on Amazon or Goodreads. The reader who has read the most pages by the end of the year will win a prize (I haven't figured out what the prize is yet). Leave a comment if you want to join! I will also need some other contact info such as an email address, Twitter name or Facebook info so that I can get your page counts each week. Happy reading readers!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

48. "Narcissistic Lovers" by Cynthia Zayn and Kevin Dibble

Zayn, Cynthia and Dibble, Kevin. Narcissistic Lovers: How to Cope, Recover and Move On. New Horizon Press, 2007. Ebook

224 pages

Reviewed by J. d’Artagnan Love

Narcissistic Lovers explains what Narcissistic Personality Disorder is and provides examples of narcissistic relationships. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is different from common uses of the term "narcissism." It is a pervasive, destructive disorder that is often at the root of abuse Each chapter of this book describes a different aspect of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and provides real-life examples.

One of this book’s strengths is its accessibility. Readers involved with a narcissistic relationship will easily be able to recognize the red flags in the scenarios provided in this book. Narcissistic Lovers is clear, and easy to understand which makes it very accessible. Sometimes books about personality disorders can become mired in psychology research and fail to explain things in a way that is easy for most people without psychology degrees to understand. This is not one of those books. The writers use solid psychological research but they explain the research in a way that is easy to comprehend.

Along with explaining what narcissism is and providing examples of narcissistic relationships, the book offers help to those who are stuck in one of these relationships. It is no replacement for psychotherapy or work with a mental health professional but it does offer a victim of narcissism some breathing room—a chance to step back and say “Ok, I get it now.”

5 darts out of 5
Bookshelf project status: KEEP