Friday, August 14, 2020

145. I Think I Might Be Autistic by Cynthia Kim

Kim, Cynthia. I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery For Adults. New York, NY: Narrow Gauge, 2013. Kindle Edition.

Reviewed by Jess d'Artagnan Love

72 pages.

Kim describes her own experience of seeking and being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The goal of the book is to help readers who think they may have ASD and have gone undiagnosed into adulthood. She shares what lead her to thinking she may have autism. She then takes readers through the grueling process of being professionally assessed by psychiatrists and neurologists. She wraps up the book by giving her readers a place to start and resources if they wish to seek a professional diagnosis themselves.

I found this book to be highly informative. It provides “insider information” that the target audience is looking for. Kim doesn’t just rehash medical and diagnostic information that you could look up on the internet. Instead, she takes you through a detailed account of the process and helps the reader consider questions and perspectives important in the diagnosis seeking process. She is like the friend the reader needs to guide them through their own experience.

In addition, the text is written in simple language and organized clearly. This is another way that Kim caters to her audience. For an audience who may have a myriad of developmental and cognitive issues they are trying to address, she makes this book easy to read, understand and access.

Would I read it again? 

If I were the target audience, I would be so appreciative of this book and read it multiple times.

Recommended for

Anyone who thinks they may be on the Autism spectrum and are considering seeking a diagnosis.

Not Recommended for

I think every adult could benefit from reading this book as it will help bring understanding and awareness of the spectrum.

3 stars out of 5

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